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Do Spiders Fart ? and Other Ponderings from the schoolyard

Session 1
Katherine Clunis D'Andrea — The Mission Hill School

The conversation focus will be about the benefits of using the inquiry process for science, but also for many aspects of a students day.

The conversation will include … - Myself and others sharing our experiences.
- Learning about The Quest Inquiry process out of Miami University - Discussion of what outdoor learning with inquiry can bring for children with special needs and English language learners. -Discussion will also include aspects of walking in the shoes of the students we teach and conducting inquiry our selves. - We will reflect on we we know and what are obstacles to helpers to getting thinking about inquiry

Conversational Practice

I am a collaborative educator. One of the first things I do is talk with the people who attend about the fact as a collective we are a force. I bring up ideas to spark thought. People then ask questions that others answer as well as my voice being a part of the conversation.

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