Defining "Prepared"
That standardized tests don't measure the essence of what we are trying to teach through inquiry has been much discussed. So just what are we trying to teach? How do we know it's been learned? What models and milestones can we hold up for students so they can envision and mark their growth toward being effective independent learners? How do we know whether a student is ready for the coursework he is likely to encounter once he leaves us? How can we know, and how can we show, that a student currently unfamiliar with content x is nonetheless academically mature enough to learn it on her own when needed? No prepared answers to these questions will be offered. The aim is to give you the chance to work with colleagues to form and articulate your own responses. While these questions apply to all ages and subjects, there may be some emphasis on secondary mathematics, since existing measures of "college-readiness" in math are particularly specific.
Conversational Practice
Combination of modified focus/framing question protocol with "build a wiki" or similar simultaneously-editable document.
Conversation Links
Cynthia SchachtHyla Middle School
kevin berdineLighthouse School
Peggy GeorgeClassroom 2.0 LIVE
Tekeia HowardThe Miami Valley School
Steven SchwingerLaBrum Middle School
Roseanne LibertiAbington Friends School
dan goldnerBoston Public Schools
Amy GorzynskiEast Leyden High School
Lauren WinesThe Shipley School
Jamie Reaburn WeirWRDSB
Kilolo MoyoHarambee Institute of Science and Technology
Lee Finkelstein
Rita JensenWestern School of Science and Technology
Kristin MarkertBreck School
Debra Shick
Alexandra Fallon
Nancy KuThe Shipley School
Dave QuinnThe University of Rhode Island
Katrina ClarkTAG Philly, Philadelphia Writing Project, Workshop School
Stephanie Casperson
Maanika KeesaraMastery Charter - Thomas High
Holly TiffanySouth Western High School
Jennifer MorrisShelburne Middle School
John RisonAbington Friends School
Laura BerdineBreck School
Bryan LakatosThe Miami Valley School
Julian MillerLearnmetrics
Alyssa Miller
Kyle KauffmanSouth Western High School
Laura WensinkZionsville Middle School
Rosa Mutchnick
Rob JohnsonTeacher at Breck School
Ellyse FernandezPreviously a Student Teacher at the Wokshop School
Marissa Dolan
Geoff Jablonski
Christian Kunkel
Maria SommerRiver Vale, NJ Public Schools
Virginia VatcherBerwick Academy
Nelson RibonFair Haven Public Schools
Tracey McGrath
Jeffrey McClurkenUniversity of Mary Washington
Jae Lee
Kris Devereaux
Daniel DioGuardiEducate LLC
Huie Douglas
Katrina StevensUS Department of Education
Courtney Tuck
Amy Gross
Melissa Beemsterboer
Deb Schiano
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