
During each of the six breakout sessions throughout the weekend, a large number of conversations will take place. This site will help you organize your plan for the weekend and provide the relevant information for each conversation. After signing in, search through the conversations below and mark the sessions you are interested in to populate your personal schedule on the right (or below if on your mobile phone).

Empowering Student Voice in the Humanities Classroom: Creating Space for Meaningful Discourse

Session 3
Alexa Dunn (SLA) & UPenn GSE/TFA Teachers

Humanities classrooms hold vast potential for rich discourse. This connects students to each other and their world, and also encourages intellectual curiosity, and life-long learning. Empowering student voice is an intricate and involved pedagogical practice, and yet so vital to creating safe and dynamic classroom spaces. Be prepared to craft many ideas and strategies to deepen teaching and learning in your humanities classroom.

Face-to-Face With Our Public

Session 3
Mike Thayer

It's no longer enough for educators to engage our students; if we believe in the mission of meaningful public education for all, we must directly engage with the public as a whole. Come to this conversation to brainstorm about how we can best do that!

I'm the Other Woman! - Finding Yourself Online

Session 3
Kristy Vincent

More and more headlines creep in of educators being fired for their online postings. We walk a fine line between being our true self and being our "image". Why? Do we need "professional" social media accounts and personal ones? What is our responsibility as educators online today? Let's talk!

Starting from scratch (sort of): bringing old ideas of inquiry and project based learning to life in a new building.

Session 3
Simon Hauger, Michael Clapper

Two co-founders of The Workshop School, a new public high school in Philadelphia, will lead a conversation about what project based learning looks and feels like when you have a chance to start a school. Simon Hauger, principal and co-founder, will talk briefly about the thrills and tensions of being a teacher at heart while working as a school district administrator in a new school; Michael Clapper, teacher and co-founder, will talk briefly about the thrills and tensions of trying to start a new school from a seat in a classroom.

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